UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience)

UI design refers to a user interface, which is the graphical layout of an app. It is comprised of buttons that the end-user of the app click, text they read, sliders, images and text entry fields. UX refers to user experience, which involves the way that users interact with an application.

What is UI?

UI design also includes other items such as interface animations, screen layouts, transitions and micro-interaction users usually interact with. When creating a user interface, all visual elements, animation and interaction are designed.

UI design is mostly concerned with the aesthetics, which is the overall appeal of the app interface. The designers ensure that the application interface is themed well and visually stimulating to match the overall personality of the application.

What is UX?

UX designers focus more on an app’s user interface, and this is one of the reasons most people get confused regarding the difference between UI and UX. While UI designers focus on the look of the interface, UX designers focus on how the interface operates.

Difference Between UI/UX

January 24, 2020|Comments Off on Difference Between UI/UX

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